Helberg and Nuss Auctions & Realty, LLC

Don Helberg has spent the majority of his lifetime involved in many phases of the Auction Industry. He grew up in his family’s livestock auction market business in North Platte. After graduation from Colorado State University in 1972, he became a full time employee at the market, plus helping with the numerous farm machinery sales conducted by his father and mother. He received his real estate Salesman’s License in 1976, and Broker’s License in 1991. He also held Nebraska Certified General Real Estate Appraiser credential from 1991 to 2022.
Don moved to the Panhandle in early 1985. He worked for LeBlanc Realty, and also Ron and Marvin Asmus before becoming a partner in Helberg, Nuss and Lee Realty in 1991. After the passing of Charlie Lee, the entity of Helberg and Nuss Auctions & Realty was formed. With partner Mike Nuss, the business sold real estate of all types at auction and private treaty, plus conducting all types of personal property auctions.
Let the years of experience listing, selling and appraising real estate outlined above assist you in the marketing of your farm or ranch.
308-436-4056 or 308-631-0527